Prime Rib

Prime Rib Recipe - Treat yourself and your loved ones to a nice juicy prime rib without having to leave home!

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Step 1

Pat the meat dry with paper towels and let it rest while you preheat the oven to 500F.

Step 2

In a medium mixing bowl, mix the butter with garlic, rosemary, thyme, and Montreal steak spice. Use a fork to make sure everything is blended and evenly distributed.

Step 3

Spread the garlic butter mixture overtop the prime rib and around the sides. Place it on a roasting rack.

Step 4

Roast for 15 minutes on high heat and then reduce the heat to 325F and roast for another 45-50 minutes. See below for cook times depending on how you like your meat cooked.

Step 5

Once roasted to your liking, transfer the meat to a cutting board. Tent it with foil, which means covering it loosely. Allow it to rest for 20-30 minutes. Slice it into as thin or as thick pieces as you’d like and enjoy!


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